Many racers and car owners always talk about that their drag cars will always have a certain brand of fuel pump; its their ignition system of choice that helps with their consistency; Their car will always have that certain brand of tire on the rear.. its what helps them win! However what has everyone been missing? The electrical system in your race car, you hot rod, your boat…! Consistency starts with an electrical system that wont let you down round after round. The gem, sitting right under our noses, calling Toronto home – SPEEDWIRE SYSTEMS switch panels and relay boards set the industry standard when it comes to a consistent product!
Speedwire Systems‘ control panel, made from billet aluminum, machined to perfection and finished in a slick black powder coat finish, with is bold back-lit switches that are labeled custom for your application sets the bar for all other manufactures very high! The Speedwire Systems relay board, with its changeable components features led lighting for easily troubleshooting electrical issues.
It doesn’t end there, Speedwire Systems offer Nitrous controllers, electrical main disconnects, remote shut off switches and more! Check them out on line and their social media page for more details. Remember to like and share their social media posts to see their latest pics of installations!
“We don’t just build electrical control systems, we race them with proven records. Whether you are building a new vehicle or want to upgrade your existing electrical system, Speedwire Systems has the solution for all your wiring needs”, Gil Zeneri – Speedwire Systems