Ian Hill Racing Productions (IHRP) brings you your 2023 Heads Up class car series info: This year we are concentrating on the 5 race Canada Heads Up Shootout Series. The CHU series is the premier series for heads up auto and bike drag racing and by tightening up our efforts in the number of races we are planning we will be able to better prepare and provide quality to our racers, sponsors and supporters! This is drag racing with the biggest payouts and baddest cars and bikes in Canada! Stemming from the early days of Canada’s Fastest Street Car Shootout events we are super excited to be headed back to our roots of offering all five of our events at Toronto Motorsports Park again this year. Continued steady growth over the last few years will not be sidelined in 2023 as we have many new competitors confirmed for this up coming season. Our most popular classes Super Street, EZ Street, Street275, KOTS (Bikes) and Stock Wheel Base Bikes are all set to grow once again! The new for 2022 9.30index for the bikes was hit and we look forward to growth in that class again! Like our weekend entry numbers, we are axcelling two classes this year… 4.20 will drop the hammer on two tenths and move to 4.0 index while the 8.80 Bike class will be lowered to 7.90. On the Sportsman side of things we have some great events in store for everyone! The bikes and sleds will continue to have their regular dial in class, and on the car side of things we will continue the new for 2022 added indexes – (7.50, 7.00, 6.50, 6.00, and 5.50).

Ontario Grudge Wars (OGW) is a No Time, heads-up, small tire brand of IHRP Ian Hill Racing Promotions, which will be put on hold for 2023.

Our racers and fan base can be found largely from the Toronto/ Southern Ontario areas, but we also see regular racers and fans coming in from South Western Ontario, Hamilton, Brantford, Windsor region, NY and Michigan. We have a current set of rules that is closely followed by our sister groups Quebec Grudge Wars and the Maritime Grudge Wars. Through careful, constant negotiation and discussion with our racers, team owners and cross promoting series, we have seen our popularity in 2018 and 2019 exploding. Our marketing efforts continue to expand as does our foot print on Southern Ontario drag racing. 


Canada Heads Up – Street Car Shootout Series bring Street Car class racing to front! A complete rule book is available as all pro classes are horsepower vs weight based. The pro categories will see growth in 2022 with the race contact we have received! Add some bike classes and a few sportsman classes and this is Class Racing at its best! Dont forget Jr Dragsters…. all IHRP events will always include some of the best Jr dragster events in the province!


RPM Magazine Smackdown6 CLASS INFO


You saw it on Oklahoma Street Outlaws and thought – where are all of Canada’s fast guys? Ontario Grudge Wars is the premiere spot for some of the fastest Street Cars in Ontario! When it comes to small tire racing we can hold our own and truly are, some of the fastest guys in North America on small tires! Think you have what it takes to claim the namesake, check out this group of Fastest Street Cars in Ontario! Would you like to see your car on these pages? Send us some info on the Contact Us page!


2021 marks the 10th year for IHRP and our brand of No Time Small Tire Shootout style racing in Ontario and we are excited to bring you our brand of racing from the drag strip at Toronto Motorsports Park this year!


Our sponsors for the 2021 season. Please click on their logo to see more info about their partnership with IHRP

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Nash Competition returns as Presenting Partner for CHU 2025

From the engine assembly room at the super secret hideout of the CHU…   March 18, 2025 Nick Agostino’s Nash...

18 March
Unit5 Components joins support for 2024 season

Unit5 Components offers very detailed CNC race parts for Drag Bikes and Drag Cars. Front-man Joe Carlos has been very...

04 July
Speedwire System is back for year 6 of Canada Heads Up!

March 17 – from deepest darkest super secret hideout of the Leprechauns lair…   Canada Heads Up – Shootout Series...

17 March