Dragstar Racing Components to award ISP pour in seat for 2020

Dec 24, 2019
From the adult toy manufacturing facility, North of ummm… Port Colborne!
We are very excited to announce the addition of our newest Marketing partner for 2020! Dragstar Racing Components will be awarding a custom ISP Pour In Seat for the racer that ends up with the most points 2020 total! All Super Street and EZ Street 2020 points members are eligible as long as they have joined our points program before March 15, 2020. Marc of Dragstar has done seats for many quick door cars including Frankie Taylor, Nick Agostino, Josh Klugger and Ian Hill. Marc’s Pour In Seats offer crash and fire protection as well offer comfort like no other seat on the market as they are form fit to your body!
We are humbled that Dragstar has stepped up in such an awesome way to support our racers and our series! Marc has come up with a great prize and a way to give it out that truely supports our push for membership! How it works is this…. sign up for EZ STreet or Super Street on or before Motorama 2020 and you are eligible. Then between the 2 classes whom ever tallies the most Championship points overall, will be awarded with the prize!
follow on IG @dragstarmarc or call directly to get a quote to have your own Pour In Seat done soon! 519-897-2422