Crafty Fast Cars joins growing list of OGW supporters

January 9, 2018 From the desk inside the Iron Maiden at the Super Secret OGW head quarters
Crafty Fast Cars joins the growing list supporters of the RPM Magazine Smackdown3 being held July 20th, 2019 weekend at TMP.
Crafty Fast Cars will have a display at Motorama this coming March and ofcourse you can always see their workmanship on the 1984 Mustang, The Booger, now owned by Wajdy WK.
Makers of all things Carbon Fiber, new kids on the block Crafty fast Cars is making headway to becoming a leading supplier of high performance lightweight body components. These 2 brothers have a passion for all things fast and making light weight products previously unavailable in the market. Its been almost a year since they showed off their efforts at the 2018 Motorama carshow and since then they have been shipping parts all over North America!