Big Cheques make their way to Toronto Motorsports Park for Canada Heads Up winners!!!!

April 30, 2019
From the accounting department at the super secret hideout of the OGW
As we are ready to bring in the month of May, with it we expect some warmer weather to heat up the race track which will give way to the first few races of the season. Come May 25-26, 2019 Canada Heads Up moves into Toronto Motorsports Park in what will be our inaugural event. We have spent much of the winter months putting together a rule book and race day schedule that will be an excellent weekend at the races for all that attend!
We have some exciting news to bring to all the racers – along with the class payouts, Canada Heads Up will be providing the Sunday Winnners of all classes that payout $800 or more with Big Cheques to hang in your trailer or on the shop wall at home!
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