January 22, 2019 – From the desk in the sand and polish room at the super secret hideout of the OGW
We are please to announce that OGW will be well represented at the 2019 Motorama Custom Car Show! We have secured a large floor space in a prime location and look forward to showing off what we are all about…. high power, little tires and loads of fun! While we are not going to give too much away, we will have a number of cars in the display, on display will also be one of our killer Championship trophies that we are giving away at the RPM Magazine’s Smackdown3 as well we will have loads of information sheets, and a cool video running in the background of our efforts at the track at past events!
MOTORAMA is being held at the International Center as also in Toronto Ontario and will run from March 8-10.
Are you an OGW racer that will be attending the show with your car? Let us know by sending us a quick note via the contact us page