
OUTLAW RACERS give up the rear tire to ALL Super Street cars!


Dec 14, 2018 – From the Red Room at the Super Secret 3rd floor of the OGW lair.

this just in…. OUTLAW EXTREME Outlaw 10.5 racers give the back tire to all 2018 and 2019 Super Street registered racers.

In a bold move towards our attempt to bring 10.5 and Super Street racers back together one 10.5 racer was over heard saying… “we will give them the back tire”…. the rest is history! 


OGW has tried a few times over the past few months to come up with a basic set of rules that would help bring the two classes back to one venue, one class without the normal 13 pages of rules on weights vs power adders. However our best laid plans were put on hold as rumors spread about the lack of scales at TMP.

“OGW headsup classes are run on the 1/8 mile, and we race No Time! Couple this with the hat draw for pairings every round and its no longer all about the top of the ladder racing the bottom! Its about who can get under the other racer’s skin… a little bit of calling out and little bit of skin on the line and all of a sudden we have a bad ass race on our hands!” – OGW director Ian Hill

OUTLAW Extreme is set to be contested at all OGW and QGW points races for 2019. See our website for more info on the rules.

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Girotti Machine support Community and the Bigger Picture with OGW

Girotti Machine has been in business for over 65 years. They made a name for themselves in the early years as being the go-to place for one off machining and large machinery repair. Now a days the latest machining centers, fabrication and large fabrication assemblies are how they leave their mark!

Ian’s continual commitment to community is what caught our attention. We came to Ian with a plan that our sponsorship money be specifically used in a way that would got to the bigger picture rather than to payouts or an individual. Within the next few sentences Ian discussed a plan that would see our sponsorship dollars go just this type of plan! We are pleased to be part of the local charity work that Ian does and how he has tied the Ontario Grudge Wars into it – Aaron Tisdelle President.

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OGW Introduces… List Racing to its Ontario Series Dates!!!

Hot on the heels of Oklahoma and Memphis Street Outlaws, Ontario Street Outlaws brings EDGE-OF-YOUR-SEAT Toronto Street Outlaws. We stood by and watched, gathered all the pros and cons of this popular style of racing and we have put together a structured rule set that is fair, will allow for growth and will show case the fastest Street Style cars in the area! OGW’s Toronto Street Outlaws offers all the benifits you have grown to love about OGW events… GUARANTEED PAYOUTS, benifits of attendance and real hard core racing!


A big thanks goes out Jim Mcharg for hitting this logo out of the park!

Keep an eye out over the next coming weeks as we continue to hammer out press release after press release! OGW is set to impress in 2019!

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OGW invited to “TAKE OVER” at All Out Live in August

December 12, 2019 from the deepest darkest dungeon office at the Super Secret Hideout of the OGW


Another great opportunity that was confirmed at the PRI show was our involvement with All Out Live at Lapeer Michigan August 11, 2019. Brian Bossone of All Out Live met for dinner with us on the Thursday of PRI and we hit it off great. OGW has been given an opportunity to bring our No Time, Grudge Racing by hat draw type excitement to their event. Ofcourse in true OGW fashion we are naming our event “the Takeover”!

OGW will be hosting 2 classes at this event, which will NOT be part of the series points run. Limited 28s and Real Street will be contested as well as all the fun of the ALL OUT LIVE DAY  that we have all come to know! Call outs, headsup racing and OGW…who could ask for anything more!

OGW is just now putting the details together, but at this point we are looking at 8 OGW Limited 28s cars going down to take on 8 locals for a guaranteed $2000USD top dog purse! Real Street will be open to all to enter, however we are limiting the entry numbers to the first 32 cars that enter which will also be shootoing for a minimum $2000 guarantee to win purse.

Another great deal, is that MotormaniaTV will also be live streaming this event, and because if a little is good, more must be better… come on down on Thursday with us for the Test session, Friday Tom Baileys Cruise in Party and Road Kill Nights Saturday night all before our big day on Sunday August 11th! …oh we are not done yet… you can be sure that this weekend will be super special as its also going to be RPM Magazine’s 20th anniversary party weekend, you can be sure they are going to make this series of events truly over the top!

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New Sponsor Weldstar Fabrication partners with OGW for 2019

Dec 12, 2018 – From the office at the Super Secret Penthouse Hideout of the OGW


Gaining new sponsors in todays market is not an easy task, so when we were able to secure Weldstar as an associate sponsor for 2019 we were over the moon! 

Weldstar’s key man, Bret Stratford loves racing and has been involved at some level or another in just about every type of popular racing within the Niagara Region in his life time! Bret and Weldstar are who to call on when you need good mobile welding and fabrication in Niagara. While he is very popular for his mobile welding setup, Weldstar does have a fabrication shop in Wainfleet for all your repair and fabrication needs.


Weldstar’s logo will be present on the OGW 2019 series t-shirts and social posts throughout the season.

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MotormaniaTV Partners with OGW to Live Stream RPM Magazine Smackdown2 and ALL OUT LIVE EVENT

PRESS RELEASE Dec 11, 2018 – From the desk at the Super-Secret Hideout of the OGW



Ontario Grudge Wars is pleased to announce our partnership with MotorManiaTV!


MotorMania will be live streaming the RPM MAGAZINE Smackdown3 July 20, 2019 at Toronto Motorsports Park and the All Out Live event we are attending at Lapeer Dragway in Michigan August 11, 2019 as part of the Tom Bailey’s Woodward PreParty and RPM 20th Birthday Bash which will be the performance party of the year!


The folks at MotorManiaTV have been top players in live streaming drag race events since live streaming drag race events first started. They are pioneers of the technology, drag racers themselves and know what it takes to put on the show!


“I can’t tell you how pumped we are to have MotorMania on board for these events,” said OGW’s Ian Hill. “Once again, we have to thank the people at RPM MAGAZINE for ‘Super-Sizing’ Ontario Grudge Wars. This deal was put together in the RPM Magazine booth at the PRI show, proving once again – participation is key!”

“With so many fans watching live stream drag racing from their homes each and every weekend, you know exactly what to expect when our event goes live, and the efforts of MotormaniaTV will be nothing short of awesome!” Hill added.

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PSP Paul Silva Performance signs on to support OGW in 2019

December 10, 2018 – Super Secret Hide Out of the OGW


We are very pleased to announce the partnership of PSP Paul Silva Performance  and Ontario grudge Wars for the 2019 season. The fine details are still being worked out, but for the second year in a row Paul and Brandon are ready to stand behind the No Time Grudge Wars action brought to you by OGW! PSP can always be found very easily at the track with their signature black t-shirts with bright yellow lettering, as well the boys at PSP are putting everyone on notice they are ready for some serious Street275 action this coming season! Please check out their profile in our Sponsors section and follow the link to their page to check out what they can do your race program in the off season!

PSP info
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PRI… bigger than ever!!!

PRI 2018 was a blast. There were so many new vendors, that the show expanded into just about every hallway in and around the 3 main halls (yes there was a new one added in the far back left corner off the yellow hall!!! I didn’t even get around to see everything!!! WOW!

We had some great meetings with manufacturers and suppliers as well saw some great new and updated products. Once again the Street Outlaws of Oklahoma were well represented as was the Outlaw 10.5/ RvW classes, especially with the display showing off Fletcher Cox’ new bad ass mustang RvW drag car.

We spent a bit of time at the RPM Magazine booth discussing and answering questions about the OGW, our series, the Smackdown3 and our Takeover event with All Out Live at Lapeer Dragway in Michigan August 11, 2019… but there will much more announced about this soon… i promise!

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OGW hits the web with help from 369Media!

Dec 5, 2018

ontariogrudgewars.com goes live! 

Head on over to the Conact Us page and let us know how you like it!

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