OUTLAW RACERS give up the rear tire to ALL Super Street cars!


Dec 14, 2018 – From the Red Room at the Super Secret 3rd floor of the OGW lair.
this just in…. OUTLAW EXTREME Outlaw 10.5 racers give the back tire to all 2018 and 2019 Super Street registered racers.
In a bold move towards our attempt to bring 10.5 and Super Street racers back together one 10.5 racer was over heard saying… “we will give them the back tire”…. the rest is history!
OGW has tried a few times over the past few months to come up with a basic set of rules that would help bring the two classes back to one venue, one class without the normal 13 pages of rules on weights vs power adders. However our best laid plans were put on hold as rumors spread about the lack of scales at TMP.
“OGW headsup classes are run on the 1/8 mile, and we race No Time! Couple this with the hat draw for pairings every round and its no longer all about the top of the ladder racing the bottom! Its about who can get under the other racer’s skin… a little bit of calling out and little bit of skin on the line and all of a sudden we have a bad ass race on our hands!” – OGW director Ian Hill
OUTLAW Extreme is set to be contested at all OGW and QGW points races for 2019. See our website for more info on the rules.